Neil Millard Blog
DevOps author and speaker.
Desktop Clock
Artificial intelligence
I am a squirrel
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Data
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Scale
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Automate
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Design
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Introduction
Acheive your goals through coaching
Confidence - Get more confident - Know your Sh*t
Confidence and how it affects your business
Contracts and Flexibility
Budgets and cash-flow
Reporting and Compliance
Running your own business
Dashboards, Metrics and Logs
Learning DevOps
Run your own serverless
Workspace, offline and online
Thermal events are here
Multi-cloud is bad
Developer Experience
Freelance, why not?
DevOps and Cloud 2022 InfoQ report
My name is
Beginners guide to DevOps and CI/CD
Anatomy of a live deployment
Award winning DevOps Professional
Leaping into IT contracting
Do not make this mistake when IT contracting
Registry update for Kubernetes
Staying technical?
What is next for DevOps and platform engineering?
What is GitOps?
How to deal with Imposter syndrome?
Where to start with cloud security?
Optimised Technologist delivery?
Multi-cloud is bad
Developer Experience
Freelance, why not?
DevOps and Cloud 2022 InfoQ report
My name is
I am a squirrel
What does a DevOps Engineer do?
Platform As A Service?
Is 12 factor still relevant?
git push -u origin <branch>?
Your stuff will Break Part 2!
Your stuff will Break!
What is a digital platform?
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Data
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Scale
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Automate
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Design
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Introduction
You are paying too much for your cloud servers
What is devops?
puppet camp london june 2017 Masterless puppet
code quality
Software Updates and Technical Debt
software design principles according to Neil Millard and John Romero
Do you have Fun at Work?
Security Groups
Getting authenticated with Mongo
Wordpress to jekyll
AWS advent, day 1
puppet types and providers
Architects and designers
Development environments
Will automation cost me my job?
Vagrant 1.8.6 ?
Docker cleanup
Regular Expressions - RegEx
Gotchas with Bash programming
Are lawyers deprecated?
Cost of Technical Debt
What does a DevOps engineer do?
Getting started with DevOps
Setting up a cloudfront with S3 bucket
Work from home, is it working?
Azure Outage
How DevOps can help deploy faster
DevOps skills in 2023
New years resolution for a career boost in 2023
What happened at Re:Invent 2022
What fish teach us about asynchronous operations
What is git?
System Reliability and Canaries
Lift and shift to the cloud?
What does hybrid cloud mean for DevOps?
Which language for DevOps tasks?
Platform engineering is not DevOps
What is CloudOps?
Google announces closure of Stadia
How would you like your container served?
What is Ansible and how does it work?
Where to start with cloud security?
Dashboards, Metrics and Logs
Optimised Technologist delivery?
Learning DevOps
Run your own serverless
Workspace, offline and online
Thermal events are here
Multi-cloud is bad
Developer Experience
Freelance, why not?
DevOps and Cloud 2022 InfoQ report
My name is
What does a DevOps Engineer do?
Platform As A Service?
What does cloud application architecture look like?
Is 12 factor still relevant?
What keeps the containers safe?
Your stuff will Break Part 2!
Your stuff will Break!
What is a digital platform?
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Data
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Scale
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Automate
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Design
My Four Steps for a successful cloud deployment - Introduction
Getting servers to build themselves in AWS
What does immutable mean?
You are paying too much for your cloud servers
What is devops?
Automating servers while you sleep
Puppet 5
Avoid unexpected big bills from AWS
Avoid unstable server builds using version control and bundles
puppet camp london june 2017 Masterless puppet
email and alerts
AWS Limits
Docker on Nomad
Docker Swarm
6 steps to becoming a cloud expert
persistent data for docker and the cloud
The Importance of testing backups
AWS announce London region
Amazon Web Services announce Canada
AWS key announcements
AWS advent, day 1
Puppet Camp Fall (Autumn) London 2016
tech - AWS, Puppet and Docker
Development environments
Why you need elastic applications
Automation (Puppet, code and schedules)
elastic and scalable
pets vs cattle
what is cloud computing?
rs_tag for RightScale RL10
AWS User Group North Sept 2016
Docker cleanup
AWS ELB upgrade - Layer 7 Load Balancing
Happy birthday WWW
AWS biggest instance
Gotchas with Bash programming
aws ec2 tools version
scaling up or scaling out - aws choices
Vertica and puppet
What does a DevOps engineer do?
Getting started with DevOps
Beginners guide to DevOps and CI/CD
Anatomy of a live deployment
Award winning DevOps Professional
Leaping into IT contracting
Do not make this mistake when IT contracting
Registry update for Kubernetes
Staying technical?
What is next for DevOps and platform engineering?
What is GitOps?
Azure Outage
How DevOps can help deploy faster
DevOps skills in 2023
New years resolution for a career boost in 2023
What happened at Re:Invent 2022
What fish teach us about asynchronous operations
What is git?
System Reliability and Canaries
Lift and shift to the cloud?
What does hybrid cloud mean for DevOps?
Which language for DevOps tasks?
Platform engineering is not DevOps
What is CloudOps?
Google announces closure of Stadia
How would you like your container served?
What is Ansible and how does it work?
Optimised Technologist delivery?
What does a DevOps engineer do?
Getting started with DevOps
AWS advent has started! day 4
What does DevOps or the Ops team do?
How to break into Devops
Heartbeat networks on AWS
housekeeping, support and reporting