Acheive your goals through coaching
14 May 2023 · Filed in ContractorDo you have goals? How are you progressing with them?

GOALS to get you what you want - Image by Tumisu @ pixabay
Goals and Targets
My contracting day rate really changed when I focused on it and set a goal.
At the time I was known as a WinTel engineer. Windows servers on Intel Hardware. This was a category that I wanted to leave and I was more interesting in Web Hosting and programming.
There was a great deal of automation, with Microsoft System Center. Configuration Manager and Operations Manager running together to manage Servers, and with the addition of VMM, Virtual Machines too.
DevOps was gaining a lot of traction at the time, and brought my love of Programming together with the sysadmin world that I had bucket loads of experience in.
So I set a Goal. Get a DevOps contract.
Is that all?
I don’t know if you have tried ‘new years resolutions’, but often the fail after the initial buzz of setting the target has faded into history.
A growth mindset can help build confidence by focusing on the belief that you will hit your goal. You must have this belief, reinforce the goal, the reasons for the goal and the easy steps to achieve the goal.
What to do?
I offer coaching to help you set goals, stay on track and ultimately achieve what you deserve.
Come ask me and the community questions. You can find me on Slack.
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