What fish teach us about asynchronous operations
4 December 2022 · Filed in Platform InfrastructureHave you ever noticed how fish move in a school. It looks like a synchronised dance.

A fish school
The main purpose of this behaviour is protection from predators. Fish choose to school with similar or exact looking fish, so as not to stand out.
In this way we are describing a group of servers, acting as a cluster. It doesn’t protected from predators though, but a attack on the group by the infrastructure. Hard disk failure, power outage, or cooling failure. Should one of those happen though, the cluster will survive, ensuring the birth of more servers. Through automatic provisioning not self replicating, yet.
The fish can join or leave the shoal at any point, it doesn’t alter the effectiveness of the shoal. So to follow that model, our deployments of new code and servers should also be independent of the cluster.
This is the same reasoning for microservices over monolith applications. Each microservice is independent enough that replacing one doesn’t effect the application system. The microservices should also be designed in such a way that they are not tightly coupled to another microservice. The use of gateways, adapters or Data access objects, give a common interface between components and microservices, enabling asynchronous scaling, upgrading, deployment and operations.
To further expand on the independence of a microservice, they could use a shared event bus, rather than direct communication. This event driven architecture enables the plug and play of microservices. All the microservice needs to understand, is how to receive/send data from/to the event bus, and how to process and create events.
Web servers like Apache and Nginx use this system to process requests from the internet. The leading expert on event driven systems, Martin Fowler has a blog article.
This also enables infinite scaling, provided each instance of the microservice is also designed in such a way to cooperate with it’s group. Providing each microservice is itself independent, scaling should be used to improve throughput.
Bottlenecks will appear in the system wherever resource contention occurs. In shoals, it might be the oxygen in the water. In IT systems it might be the network, storage or databases. Hopefully though, you will quickly see that if each of these systems is designed with an event bus and independent scaling, these bottlenecks can be managed by scaling out too.
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