Is 12 factor still relevant?
09 Apr 2021In 2011 Adam Wiggins created 12factor. It describes the 12 factors modern applications should have.

In 2011 Adam Wiggins created 12factor. It describes the 12 factors modern applications should have.
Git is a Source Control versioning tool for software development.
When you develop new features or a bug fix, it is good practice to run in a new branch.
(Read more...)When you think you are safe because everything is a container, but you forgot to make sure that the things that runs your container need TLC as well
Stranded container ship, BBC News 24th March 2021 Containers are great for easy deployment of applications and microservices, but the containers still need a server to run from. AWS Fargate can solve the management of EC2 Host instance by providing a managed home for your containers.
(Read more...)A thermal event has occurred at a data centre.
Have you heard of Chaos Engineering? I heard it first from our friends at Netflicks.